Generally our return policy is No Returns. No Refunds. No Exchanges.

Returns are not accepted, unless item was grossly misrepresented by us. No refunds given for color difference, or non-fitting items. As online buyers ourselves, we understand that there is risk in shopping online, please accept responsibility for your own purchase decisions, and the risks involved in purchasing preowned, and photographed clothing online.

We try very hard to inspect all items, provide many photos of items, as well as measurements, and color descriptions, to aid you in your online shopping experience with Nothing On TV. 

No partial refunds, full refunds (final value of item plus original shipping cost) upon return of item. If a refund is granted, return shipping and handling is the buyer's responsibility. Please ALWAYS check measurements, against clothing you already own, with a measuring tape. They are provided for you to help you make an informed purchase.

We reserve the right to accept No Returns. Your use of this site, and the checkout feature, constitute agreement with these Terms Of Use.

Nothing On TV 1/14/2017